Read the latest ACEAS news as we seek to uncover the mysteries of East Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and better understand emerging climate risks.

Voyage of discovery to the East Antarctic margin

31 Jan 2023

Voyage of discovery to the East Antarctic margin CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator and the team that are on their way to the East Antarctic margin. A Geoscience Australia-led scientific voyage has departed Perth this week for East Antarctica aboard CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator. During this 7-week voyage, researchers will seek insights into the flow […]

Scientists map heat beneath Antarctica’s icesheets

12 Dec 2022

Scientists map heat beneath Antarctica’s icesheets Fieldwork in Queen Mary Land collecting geophysical and geological data. Image: Tobias Stål. Researchers from the ARC Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) at the University of Tasmania are helping predict future sea level rise by taking a closer look at what goes on beneath Antarctica’s icesheets. “Heat moving […]

Ocean warming and sea-level rise are on a fast track 

19 Oct 2022

Ocean warming and sea-level rise are on a fast track  The results of the study are based on many thousands of measurements taken from across the globe—including from the Southern Ocean, which warms at a much faster rate than the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Image credit: CSIRO Marine National Facility. Researchers from the ARC Australian […]

Southern Ocean takes on the heat of climate change

07 Sep 2022

Southern Ocean takes on the heat of climate change Of all the oceans on Earth, the Southern Ocean does the lion’s share at slowing the pace of climate change by absorbing most of the excess heat trapped in the planet’s atmosphere, say scientists from the ARC Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) at UNSW […]

Small window of opportunity left to preserve Antarctica’s ‘sleeping giant’

11 Aug 2022

Small window of opportunity left to preserve Antarctica’s ‘sleeping giant’ A new study suggests the worst effects of global warming on Earth’s largest ice sheet can be avoided if the world meets the climate targets outlined in the Paris Agreement—but if we fail, then the melting of the ice sheet will have a drastic impact […]