Read the latest ACEAS news as we seek to uncover the mysteries of East Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and better understand emerging climate risks.
Seals uncover new ocean depths in East Antarctica Elephant seals fitted with tracking devices. Credit: Clive McMahon, IMOS and SIMS. New ocean depths and seascapes beneath the East Antarctic continental shelf have been revealed in the latest study tracking deep-diving seals, along with detailed information about the waterways that erode the ice shelves from below. […]
New ocean model goes in for the krill For the first time, researchers are now able to predict where Antarctic krill populations live and in what numbers—information that is critical to forecasting the future of Southern Ocean ecosystems. The study published this week outlines a new tool, KRILLPODYM, which sheds light on the mysterious lives of these […]
Deep Antarctic ocean currents have slowed in the past three decades The slowdown in Antarctic circulation reduces oxygen levels across the world’s deep seas. Photo: Tom Williams. Researchers have found that the deep ocean circulation around parts of Antarctica has slowed by 30 per cent since the 1990s, reducing oxygen levels across the world’s deep […]
New map unlocks deep digital data of Antarctica’s history By GNS Science It’s not just ice out there. 0.5% of the surface of Antarctica is exposed geology which can tell us a lot about the history – and the future – of the continent. GeoMAP Antarctica is the first detailed digital database that collates all […]
Seals to gather intel on the Southern Ocean Elephant seals are the ultimate divers—travelling long distances, and diving to 1500m depths. They are crucial to gathering knowledge on the Southern Ocean’s role in the global climate system. Photo: Clive McMahon, IMOS and SIMS. The first ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) project drawing […]