ACEAS Seminar Series
ACEAS has established a monthly seminar series. The seminars will be held once a month and announced on this page.
The ACEAS Seminar Series organising committee is Kieran Murphy (UTAS), Yuhao Dai (ANU) and Fabio Dias (UNSW). If you are interested in presenting, or would like to nominate a speaker, please email us:
February Seminar Series: Prof Ryan Fogt from Ohio University
For our first ACEAS event of the year, please join us for the February Seminar Series to listen to Prof Ryan Fogt from Ohio University
Title: Interpreting recent Antarctic sea ice variations using station-based seasonal sea ice extent reconstructions
Speaker: Prof Ryan Fogt
Date: Tuesday 25 February at 2:00pm AEDT
Location: Online: and also live at the ANU J7 Hales Seminar Room and at the IMAS Board Room for those at UTAS
Abstract: In the last several years, Antarctic sea ice has rapidly changed, with especially anomalous behavior throughout the year 2023. Some scientists are suggesting that these changes may hint at a new Antarctic sea ice state that is more strongly governed by oceanic, rather than atmospheric, processes. Yet, Antarctic sea ice observations are one of the shortest observational measurements on Earth, making it challenging to understand these changes in context. This talk will present updated work on seasonal Antarctic sea ice variations through comparing different reconstructions with observations, as well as tests to understand the robustness of the Antarctic sea ice extent reconstruction procedure based on midlatitude station observations.