Read the latest ACEAS news as we seek to uncover the mysteries of East Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and better understand emerging climate risks.
MISO investigates how the Southern Ocean is responding to climate change The recently returned MISO voyage (Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Southern Ocean) was a 2-month journey along the edge of Antarctica on the RV Investigator. The scientists on-board gathered one of the most comprehensive datasets collected on the Southern Ocean. This included measurements of iron […]
Good things don’t come in threes for Antarctic sea ice As this month marks the third consecutive summer with extremely low sea-ice cover around Antarctica, new statistical research points to fundamental changes taking place in the polar Southern Ocean. Antarctic sea ice reached its summer minimum area of 1.97 million km2 on 18 February, the third […]
Melting from below: explaining the complex nature of ice sheet dynamics and geology to kids and tweens The article frames the abstract on ice sheet dynamics into understandable language and relatable problems. Image: ‘Geothermal Heat Shapes the Antarctic Ice Sheet From Below‘ in Frontiers for Young Minds. There is a deep, unexplored landscape beneath the […]
News from the Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Southern Ocean (MISO) voyage The ACEAS team aboard the RV Investigator for the MISO voyage (from left to right: PhD Talitha Nelson, PhD Julia Neme, PhD Anita Butterley, Dr. Kaihe Yamazaki, Dr. Thomas Williams, Dr. Pauline Latour). Image: supplied. Six ACEAS researchers are currently on 2-month voyage, travelling […]
Polarstern heads south to uncover East Antarctic mysteries Dr Rachel Barrett (University of Kiel) with Dr Katharina Hochmuth aboard the RV Polarstern before its departure from Hobart. Image: Jodi Fox. February marked many momentous occasions for Antarctic science, including the first visit to Australia for the Alfred Wegner Institute’s RV Polarstern. A range of events […]